2021 The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2021) JOINT WITH 2021 International Conference on Fluid and Chemical Engineering (ICFCE 2021) has been successfully held on 19th Nov. 2021.
Professor Patrick C. Lee from the University of Toronto, Canada, Professor Jianzhong Lin from Zhejiang University, China, Professor Wieslaw Fiebig from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, Professor Wenfeng Wang from School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, China and Professor Krishna Murari Pandey from National Institute of Technology Silchar, India have delivered keynote speeches respectively.
12 Attendees from Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Dalian University of Technology, etc. have made oral presentation. Besides, 19 e-poster were presented on ICFCE website. http://2021.icfce-conf.org/meeting/program.
We’d like to express our deep appreciation for your support in ICMEM2021 & ICFCE2021.
Time Countdown:
Submission Deadline:
October 10th, 2021
academic@icfce-conf.org; icfce_conf@163.com